Cabuk Rambak Food Tradition Sekaten
Cabuk Rambak is a traditional food town solo. This dish is usually only dijadijkan as a food supplement.The contents of this food is the diamond or rice cake is sliced thinly then add sauce or chili sauce made of sesame were burnt and mixed with pecans and kencur already in mashed. The name "Cabuk" was taken from a kind of sauce or chili sauce made of sesame. Food is also served with crackers. Namely rice crackers made from dried and borax, or so-called karak.
Typically, food is served when the morning at breakfast. So as not to block the stomach is empty. This food is only complementary foods, but if at present at breakfast time could prop us not to empty stomach. Was deliberately not made a filling portion because that morning eating too full, then we will easily sleepy when on the move.
Usually the food is often found at the welcoming traditions of the Prophet Mohammed's birthday or Sekaten tradition. These foods can also be encountered on the outskirts of the city of Solo. There we can see him. Normally in rice seller liwet Solo. Or it could be sold in around the middle-aged mother wearing traditional kebaya and batik cloth. But, if you look it up in the center of the city of Solo, today we will be difficult to meet him there because it was defeated by modern food. Yet it's also not lost favor with many modern foods, such as fast food. Even the food is more nutritious and healthier for our bodies than modern foods.
Well, for now we review a little danger materials. And how to make it.
Material: Ketupat & Karak,
For his presentation, served on a banana leaf that dipincuk
For ketupat first, we only need two pieces of the diamond or be more. Then after we put up the ketupat split into two parts and then thinly sliced.
Now condiment or sauce.
We need garlic, hazelnut, kencur, pepper and finely ground granulated sugar. Add sesame and lime leaves stir until smooth, then add water and stir again until smooth.
Well, if you've finished preparing dipincuk banana leaf. Then place the diamond that sudahb diriris thereon. Pour the sauce according to taste. Serve with karak.
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