Sunday, 21 June 2015

Sate Kere

Sate Kere,Satenya Orang Miskin

Sate kere,makanan tradisonal khas Solo. Sate kere dibuat dari tempe gambus. Tempe gambus terbuat dari ampas tahu. Selain dibuat dari ampas tahu,sate ini juga dibuat dari jeroan sapi yaitu paru dan usus sapi. 
Berikut inilah bahan-bahan Sate nya dulu,lalu setelah itu kita bahas cara membuat sate&bumbu kacangnya. Yang terakhir kita akan bahas sejarah atau arti namanya.

•Bahan sate
1. 400 gram tempe gembus dipotong
2. 100 gram gula merah disisir halus 
3. 2 lembar daun salam
4. 2 cm lengkuas yang sudah di memarkan
5. Minyak
6. 1 sendok teh asam jawa
7. 400 ml air kelapa

•Bumbu sate 
1.  1 1/2 sendok teh ketumbar
2.  5 butir bawang merah
3.  2 siung bawang putih 
4.  1/2 sendok teh merica
5.  2 sendok teh garam
6.  3 butir kemiri

•Bahan sambal kacang
1. 200 gram kacang tanah, yang sudah digoreng lalu di haluskan
2. 4 sendok makan gula merah yang sudah disisir halus
3. 2 1/4 sendok teh garam
4. 3 buah cabai merah keriting goreng
5. 600 ml air panas
6. 3 buah cabai merah besar goreng
7. 3 butir kemiri goreng

Cara membuat:

1. Pertama-tama,rebus tempe gambus,bumbu sate,lengkuas,daun salam,air kelapa,dan asam jawa
2. Masukan gula merah,rebus sampai air mengering dan bumbu meresap
3. Bakar diatas bara sambil di bolak-balik sampai matang dan wanginya harum

•Bumbu kacang
1. Pertama-tama haluskan kacang tanah,kemiri,cabai merah besar&keriting gula merah, dan garam
2. Tuangkan air,masak sampai kental
3. Sajikan bersama lontong/ketupat

Soal nama belakangnya, pasti anda sedikit bingung. Pasti anda bertanya seperti ini "Kenapa nama yang di belakangnya kere?". Jawabannya adalah, karena pada zaman dahulu, sate adalah makanan yang hanya bisa dinikmati oleh kalangan atas. Maka arti kere sendiri adalah gelandangan atau orang yang tidak mampu. Lalu orang-orang kalangan bawah ini memutar otak, bagaimana caranya agar masyarakat kalangan bawah juga bisa menikmati sate. Lalu mereka menemukan ide. Idenya adalah mereka membuat sate dalam bentuk yang lebih sederhana dan tentunya harus lebih murah. Satu-satunya bahan yang paling murah dan memberikan sedikit rasa daging sapi adalah jeroan, namun mereka berpikir lagi. Mereka pikir tidak umum rasanya kalau sate terbuat dari jeroan, dan perlawanan mereka akan sia-sia karena kalangan atas pasti akan langsung tau bahwa sate buatan mereka hanyalah terbuat dari jeroan sapi. Dan mereka pasti akan dikucilkan lagi. Lalu ditemukanlah ampas tahu yang tak terpakai dan mereka mengolahnya menjadi tempe, yang lalu disebut tempe gembus. Awalnya,masyarakat kalangan bawah hanya mencoba saja,tapi ternyata berhasil. Akhirnya info ini tersebar ke seluruh masyarakat kalangan bawah. Dan terciptalah nama "Sate Kere". Maka arti kere sendiri adalah gelandangan atau orang yang tidak mampu. Lama kelamaan lalu ada yang mencoba berjualan,menjajakan sate kere keliling kampung. Sedikit demi sedikit waktupun berjalan. Zaman perlahan berganti,hingga zaman sekarang,zaman yang modern ini. Namun karena rasanya yang unik, jaman sekarang justru sate ini disukai semua kalangan.

Saturday, 20 June 2015

Nasi Liwet Ala Kerajaan Solo

Rice Liwet Ala Kingdom Solo

Perhaps for those of you who do not know about this cuisine, you must read this article.
Solo liwet rice (Sego liwet) is a traditional food typical native city of Solo.
Solo liwet rice, is one of the foods that possess Solo pretty much unique starting materials and side dishes. Solo liwet rice is the original food creations Solo. That it's been sampled by the empire. The cuisine is rich side dishes containing protein, vitamins, and carbohydrates. And very good for kesehatan.Yang certainly better than modern foods, namely fast food such as instant noodles for example. The food is pretty much unique, and interesting to discuss.
Its main ingredient is rice and coconut milk areh. Before the rice in cooking, the rice must be soaked first. Areh coconut milk is milk that is processed before it is used for cooking rice. Unlike ordinary coconut milk, which is used directly without being processed.
Solo liwet rice, was accompanied by lots of vegetable side dishes such as squash, shredded chicken, and boiled eggs.
Vegetable squash. Side dishes this one contains vegetable squash is already thinly sliced ​​and processed. The sauce is so appealing in our tongue with aromas and flavors of spices of Indonesia are increasingly making steady when eaten. And of course also makes you become addicted to eating these foods and will always miss the traditional cuisine typical of the city of Solo's.
Shredded chicken. This one, which makes the contents of rice liwet increasingly make our stomachs full. With chicken meat in boneless boiled until soft and shreded and given a special seasoning.
Boiled eggs. Yes, friend rice liwet this one is very unique danger. Ie using a hand-held red onion skins. That if we eat directly, do not taste good. However, if that is not eaten directly, specifically previously processed first. After a specially prepared, very tasteful one time is not less bad as we imagined.
Liwet rice Solo, Solo is one of the foods that possess enough kenikan starting materials and side dishes. Solo liwet rice is the original food creations Solo.
For those of you who've been to berkuliner to the city of Solo, certainly you will choose where hawkers along the road to berkuliner because all the roads, a lot of vendors who peddle their wares, and merchandise that most of the food. You can find him there or in traditional markets by means of presentation and still very traditional. And certainly cheaper than in a restaurant or diner.
So much uniqueness in the original traditional cuisine typical of our nation. Then it is very unfortunate if we lose it. Let's continue to preserve the native culture of our nation !.

Tengkleng Kambing Khas Solo

Typical Goat Tengkleng Solo
Perhaps, for those of you who are not resident Solo or you who have never been to Solo to berkuliner, you rarely hear the name of this food. The food in the favorite by many tourists from various regions in Indonesia. In fact, not a few foreign tourists who are fond of this cuisine menu. Yes, typical goat tengkleng Solo. Foods made from goat bones or tetelan is very unique and has many unique characteristics of Indonesian people in them.
In addition to using the bones were taken from the leg of lamb, there is also a plus with offal, meat and goat ribs. In addition to goat meat and bone additional therein, which contain lots of protein and vitamins that are high there are also ribs are increasingly supporting good food for children who are in a period of growth. But perhaps for those of you who have a disease of high cholesterol, you should aga bit careful in eating it.
Maybe if now you are confused to choose the lunch menu you can choose dishes this.

The difference goulash with goulash else is gravy was not thick. So, for those of you who do not like to eat curry goat lumpy foods that you should try this one. Why not lumpy? The answer because it does not use dishes such as curry coconut milk in general. So the sauce is not thick, more transparent but tastes very good. In addition to mutton and extra bone in it, there are also ribs that contain high protein and vitamins and good for children. Maybe if now you are confused to choose the lunch menu you can choose dishes this.
Taste the sauce in this dish savory, salty, and sweet. Produced from a variety of Indonesian spices. For example hazelnut, turmeric, galangal, lemongrass, bay leaf, garlic, onion, coriander and more. If you want to get satisfactory results tengkleng cuisine. Need special treatment. So that the meat attached to the bones is not tough or easily separated when in the meal.
If you are to the city of Solo, do and do not need to be confused to find this cuisine menu. You can meet him at various places. At various restaurants or traditional markets. If you want to try traditional tengkleng, you can look it up in the traditional market town of Solo. Not mean that eating at home is not traditional but the presentation has a modern fashion. If you eat these dishes with the traditional presentation, it will be much more traditional feel sensation. Tengkleng traditional, usually presented in the form pincuk use banana leaves. Usually people eat tengkleng use a spoon and fork, but it would be more enjoyable if at eat using hands. Especially when looking at the beauty of the city of Solo. And accompanied by traditional music typical of Solo.

Cabuk Rambak

Cabuk Rambak Food Tradition Sekaten
Cabuk Rambak is a traditional food town solo. This dish is usually only dijadijkan as a food supplement.
The contents of this food is the diamond or rice cake is sliced ​​thinly then add sauce or chili sauce made of sesame were burnt and mixed with pecans and kencur already in mashed. The name "Cabuk" was taken from a kind of sauce or chili sauce made of sesame. Food is also served with crackers. Namely rice crackers made from dried and borax, or so-called karak.
Typically, food is served when the morning at breakfast. So as not to block the stomach is empty. This food is only complementary foods, but if at present at breakfast time could prop us not to empty stomach. Was deliberately not made a filling portion because that morning eating too full, then we will easily sleepy when on the move.
Usually the food is often found at the welcoming traditions of the Prophet Mohammed's birthday or Sekaten tradition. These foods can also be encountered on the outskirts of the city of Solo. There we can see him. Normally in rice seller liwet Solo. Or it could be sold in around the middle-aged mother wearing traditional kebaya and batik cloth. But, if you look it up in the center of the city of Solo, today we will be difficult to meet him there because it was defeated by modern food. Yet it's also not lost favor with many modern foods, such as fast food. Even the food is more nutritious and healthier for our bodies than modern foods.
Well, for now we review a little danger materials. And how to make it.
Material: Ketupat & Karak,
For his presentation, served on a banana leaf that dipincuk
For ketupat first, we only need two pieces of the diamond or be more. Then after we put up the ketupat split into two parts and then thinly sliced.

Now condiment or sauce.
We need garlic, hazelnut, kencur, pepper and finely ground granulated sugar. Add sesame and lime leaves stir until smooth, then add water and stir again until smooth.
Well, if you've finished preparing dipincuk banana leaf. Then place the diamond that sudahb diriris thereon. Pour the sauce according to taste. Serve with karak.